Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Eating in the morning

As GP dude (as the A man likes to be called these days) discovered these first few days of school, one must eat to sustain one's self throughout the day.

This week I move from trying to force feed him eggs and bacon to toast, and lastly to smooties packed full of everything I can from wheat germ to yogurt, from fruit to egg.

Any suggestions world, on how to get a preteen to eat what he needs to survive a day in the free-form big kid world of U32?  He did learn his lesson eating Skittles for breakfast...

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Harvest season is upon us

Harvest season is upon us, and I never even wrote anything here... all delicious, hot, spicy summer, I never wrote here.

Mostly because GEEZ!!   Summer was a blitz of children and heat and farm animals and projects and work and non work and not really ever relaxing, and certainly never writing.  How'd I get through the whole summer without really ever blogging?  I was going to do "it" this summer.... It being whatever stage or step came next.

And all I can say is I ate bacon for breakfast yesterday and today.  And it came from a pig from our yard.  And I ate right after running out to do chores and feed four more pigs in our yard, and a bunch of meat chickens.  And tonight, I had to buy chicken because we haven't slaughtered yet (Ahck, the part we hate so much, even when we are very humble about the process), but we'll eat greens and squash and whatever else from the garden, and two nights ago we ate a meal almost entirely from a 30 mile radius, including much from our yard, right down to the cider I cooked the pork in, and the maple syrup I glazed it with.

But the truth is, the stimulus package gave us all extra foodstamps this month.  Funny thing is the foodshelves are all advertising "only until September 30th" extra food, due to the stimulus package.  Who thought that up?  AFTER the kids go back to school and the free lunch program, THEN give families extra help?  And when you double their foodstamps (leaving me feeling giddy enough to use those foodstamps at the Montpelier farmer's market), make sure you also double the food at food shelves?  I mean... LAST month when the kiddos were all home, couldn't families have used a bit of a safety net?  And when the extra food stamps run out, probably over a month or two or even three if you're really frugal (and besides, that's the time limit for using them up anyway... no saving up here), shouldn't THAT be when the food shelves have extra??  And that will be when the crush of the recession hits anyway, right around time to be ThankFULL and GIVING.

Soooo... I have to feed my kid chicken soup anyway.  And tonight, because I have no stock in the freezer, that'll be Campbell's.  Because the co-op is too far away and too expensive anyway (even with the extras), and the store in town that has some decent food doesn't have their EBT machine... yet.