Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Jumpin' on the bandwagon...

I often have the crazy desire to fill my blogs and facebook and phone conversations with deliberately chosen words about what we eat. And boy, do we eat. A lot. All the time. With gusto. And there are a lot of us.

But we do so with a relatively minimal budget (embarrassing admission: we still qualify for food stamps). And at the moment, without food from our house. If I can do it, anybody can.

Next let me mention that we're kinda snobby about food. There is almost no pre-packaged anything, although I do buy frozen veggies and the occasional jar of things. We're joining a food-buying group next month in order to cut down on overhead... you know the kind of thing that "co-op" used to mean? We can get organic ingredients for what we are paying for conventional at the grocery store. And get better one-stop shopping, while supporting a small local business, that supports other smaller local businesses... that support local craftspeople... that support local producers.... you get the point.

Besides all that, I really love to cook. And I do it relatively well. Real food. Deep to the bones food. And sometimes I have to change something or finesse it because of what I don't have in the kitchen pantry. And a lot of it has been absolutely genius. So for that reason, I figured I jump on the foodie bandwagon, and share it all with you.

Bon appetite!

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